+27 (060) 083 0470

Residential Irrigation Systems

Transform your garden into the envy of the neighborhood with Profusion Irrigation’s Residential Irrigation Systems. Tailored to the unique needs of your home landscape, our systems bring convenience, efficiency, and sustainability right to your doorstep.

    Cutting-edge technology measures and delivers water with pinpoint accuracy

    Our systems are designed to prevent waste, saving you money and helping the environment

    With our systems, your lawn will be lush and your flowers vibrant, all season long

    Our skilled technicians install your new irrigation system quickly and cleanly, with minimal disruption to your daily life

    Our maintenance services ensure your irrigation system continues to function flawlessly, year after year

    Our systems give you the power to adjust your watering schedule, right from your smartphone

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Save Time

Save Water

Simplify Your Life

Smart Watering Made Simple: The Future of Lawn and Garden Irrigation is Here!

Take the guesswork out of gardening with our state-of-the-art, Wi-Fi-enabled residential irrigation system—your personal garden guardian for a lush, effortless landscape.

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    Wi-Fi Smart Controller

    The brain of your irrigation system, the Wi-Fi smart controller allows for remote management via a smartphone app. Customize watering schedules, adjust settings, and receive system notifications in real-time for ultimate convenience.

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    Weather Intelligence

    Integrated weather sensors detect real-time conditions, from rainfall to temperature, adjusting watering schedules automatically. This ensures your garden receives optimal water.

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    Soil Moisture Sensors

    Buried in your garden, these sensors provide live soil moisture readings. The system uses this data to prevent over or under-watering, ensuring each zone gets just the right amount of hydration for the specific plant types it hosts.

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    Individual Zone Control

    Divide your garden into zones, each with tailored watering needs based on plant type, sun exposure, and soil condition. This segmentation allows for precise watering, promoting healthy plants and conserving water.

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    Efficient Sprinkler Heads

    Highly efficient sprinkler heads are designed to deliver water evenly across your lawn and garden. They can be adjusted for range and direction, ensuring complete coverage and no dry spots.

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    Pressure Regulation

    Each zone can be equipped with pressure regulation devices to maintain optimal water pressure, ensuring that water is delivered efficiently and effectively across your garden, preventing misting and water waste.

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    Flow Meter

    The flow meter monitors water usage across the entire system, detecting leaks and providing insights on water consumption. This helps in maintaining the system’s efficiency and alerts you to any unusual water activity.

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    Easy Maintenance

    Say goodbye to constant system breakdowns and maintenance hassles. Our reliable systems ensure you're stress-free, focusing more on your landscape's beauty, less on its watering needs.

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    Easy Integration and Scalability

    Designed to grow with your garden, the system is easily expandable. Add extra zones or upgrade components without the need for an overhaul, ensuring that your irrigation system can adapt to your changing garden landscape.

Contact Us

Head office

54 Edward Road, Chancliff, Krugersdorp, 1739 ZA